Coaching & Counselling
Blackwood Consultants
Feng Shui
What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui originated in China over 4000 years ago and continues to this day. The whole of the universe is linked together by energy sometimes referred to as Chi (Prana in India and Ki in Japan). This energy is subtler and finer than electric and magnetic energies. The Chinese often trace success or failure not to the actions of man, but to the forces of nature known as Feng Shui – literally meaning 'wind' and 'water'. These are held to be responsible for all areas of life; from relationships and health to good fortune and business.
The underlying premise is that everything in your surroundings from the lie of the land and shape of your house to the finer details of your furnishings have a direct impact on your life. The way the subtle currents of energy flow throughout your body and your immediate environment will either enhance your aims in life or hinder them. The correct assessment of this flow and re-adjustment of various elements that are out of place with your objectives will realign the positive forces and bring you back into balance with nature.
Throughout the world today people continue to take advantage of Feng Shui to enhance their quality of life. For example, British Airways and The Body Shop have used it to increase their business success, and Madonna and Donald Trump have benefited from it in their personal lives.
There are many different aspects of Feng Shui that you may have heard about:
Perhaps most commonly known is the placement of the "Bagua" which determines which areas of a building relate to which areas of life. The flow of life can be manipulated by re-arranging elements within the building.
Astrology can be used to determine auspicious times to make important changes, help assess personality and relationship compatability, and discover what your personal energies are encouraging you to do right now.
Health is considered vitally important: Your home could be beautifully arranged, but if there are unhealthy energes flowing through it you cannot gain the maximum benefit; your health may even be at serious risk. These include Emf's (electromagnetic frequencies) that come from many different sources within our homes and businesses as well as outside; and also Geopathic Stress that emanates from the earth. We offer a Health Homes Check. See EMF and Geopathic Stress pages.
“ I don’t know what Helen did, but after she left my house it felt completely different. I was on the verge of doing as I couldn’t feel right there, but Now I absolutely love it. I feel at one with where I live. So many heartfelt thanks."
Cake designer 58
" I have been interested in feng shui for some time , but only made the decision to have a consultation when I realised that whatever I did it didn’t seem to be working out. Helen explained to me where parts of my house were blocking various energies that I needed in order to progress were being blocked. Once I made the alterations she suggested things changed: within two months I had a new job, my relationship was back on track and my health has improved. Strange and Amazing. Many thanks.”
Bus driver 39
"I was fed up with putting so much effort into my life and still not getting where I wanted to in certain areas. I couldn’t understand it. A friend recommended feng shui and I found Blackwood and booked a consultation. It was a real eye-opener- it all just made sense about how certain areas of my house were reflecting and affecting parts of my life. I made the changes Helen recommended and then had coaching sessions to continue the process. I can only say that things have freed themselves up and I have changed the way I approach things now. My life is flowing so much better now. Fascinating and life-altering. So many thanks.‘
Financial consultant 34
I found Helen very warm and understanding. I asked her to do some feng shui for my home and to coach me through some difficult changes and I felt she was always only side and supporting me. On her advice I changed certain parts of my home and coincidentally love the way it looks as well as how it now feels. I feel much more grounded and content now and between the feng shui advice and the on-going coaching I now have found the time and energy to look after myself and family better as well as build my business. It has significantly helped me improve my life and wouldn’t hesitate to suggest it to my friends. Thank you"
Writer 43
'I brought Helen in to help me with my business as things weren’t quite right and I couldn’t work out why not. She did a feng shiu consultation and I implemented all the cures she suggested to me. Things changed over the next three months and then it got to the stage where I needed to move to a bigger premises. I asked Helen to visit the site before I moved the business in so the I would know how to arrange everything. and she threw a lot of light on how the energy was operating in the building. I was able to make structural alterations before the move date and site each area of the business in the best locations for them. The business continues to thrive and orders have increased dramatically. It is truly a great system to have access to and I am just so glad I went ahead with it.! I have also had Helen do the same on my house and we are all in love with it. I am so grateful to Helen for her fun, understanding, care and wisdom."
Theatre props designer 41